Bizantin Crypts The secret Salento

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    Salento is still an unknown and secret land which hides invaluable works of art. From Centopietre of Patù to the Crypt of Madonna of Coeli Manna in Supersano, to a horse riding or a tour on aircrafts among ancient farms. We suggest you an original itinerary, which has already been tested and appreciated by the national journalists, arrived to Salento during 16th Educational, organized by a tourist and cultural Mediterraneo’magazine Spiagge, directed by Carmen Mancarella in collaboration with Regione Puglia, the Arts and Entertainment Tourism and Marketing Department, Pugliapromozione, Gal- (Gruppo di Azione Locale) Terra d’Arneo and Capo Santa Maria of Leuca, Communes of Supersano and Presicce, and the Unions of the Communes of North Salento and of Grecìa Salentina.

    In Patù you can admire “Cento Pietre” a mysterious and magical monument built with rocks taken from the city walls of Vereto, a Messapian city. It used to be Gimignano’s grave who was a Frankish general that died in battle immediately before the year one thousand. Then, Cento Pietre was converted into a crypt by some Byzantine monks who also frescoed it. In front of Cento Pietre you can admire the Romanesque church dedicated to Saint Giovanni. The crypts, which were built by the monks from scratch or they were simply made out of natural cavities, underwent several reconstructions, with the transition from the Greek Orthodox religion to the Roman religion, between the 14th and the 17th centuries. In the Crypt of Saint Marina in Miggiano there is a unique fresco representing Maria’s Death (Dormitio Virginis). “Our territory” explains mr Rinaldo Rizzo, president of Gruppo di Azione Locale (a limited liability consortium) of Santa Maria di Leuca, “has a lot of culture to offer to visitors. Gal played an important role in the promotion and development of the territory”.

    The Crypt of Coeli Manna, in Supersano, was attended also by primitive men and it is nestled in a pine forest on the “Serre Salentine”. It offers the possibility to go hiking along the sierra and also to visit the farms where you can tour around using traditional handcarts or super light aircrafts. There is a private runway which is near a helideck built by Alidaunia on behalf of Regione Puglia. “In Salento, institutions are promoting rural tourism starting from our traditions and our handicraft” says the major of Supersano, mr Roberto De Vito.

    Agostino Branca’s workshop really worths a visit. He’ll have you try to model a clay vase using the potter’s wheel and you will be also able to admire unique “pieces” of the handicraft of Salento such as the “innaffiatoio” (a watering can), a huge lucky item, that can only be found at Capo di Leuca.

    Finally you can’t miss the chance to stop at the restaurant Anima e Cuore ( in Galatina where you will be able to taste, among other traditional dishes, also the “gnocchi all’ortica”.

    When people talk about Galatina they immediately associate it with “pasticciotto” a traditional short pastry cake with cream in it. You really have to try those served at the pastry shop called Eros at Saints Pietro e Paolo Square, in Galatina.

    If you want to experience “zero-mile” food we suggest you to visit Supersano’s farms: Le Stanzie (, an old farm renovated to perfection and passed through by a Romanesque road, and Casale Sombrino ( which is really ancient too and where you can visit a rural art museum. At Osteria La Vecchia Fontana, in the city centre, you can taste traditional dishes from Salento such as vegetable appetizers and orecchiette with tomato sauce and spicy ricotta cheese. You can stay and relax at the 4 stars hotel Buongusto, with swimming pool, in Supersano.

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    Where to sleep

    B&B Monsellato, via XX Aprile, 34 Presicce, tel 0833. 72 12 77- 349. 53 31 066 (Cesare); 349. 65 84 097;; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    B&B Giardino degli Angeli, contrada Angeli, Presicce, tel. 329. 90 35 261; ;  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    B&B Via del Campo, via Angelo Ciullo medaglia d’argento, 9, Presicce, tel. 334 688 3343 (Romeo Corchia, titolare), ; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    B&B Cavour , Via Cavour 20, Presicce, Tel. 347 47 49 962 (titolare Luigi Pepe); This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Casina dei cari, strada provinciale Presicce Lido Marini, Presicce, tel. 0833. 71 12 84;393 97 07 941; ;  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Hotel Corte dei Nonni, rione Padreterno 38, tel. 0833.73 02 23; 335. 121 43 44; ;  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Buongusto Hotel&restaurant, via Nociglia, 38, Supersano; tel. 0836. 63 24 43; 339. 69 43 480; ; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Albaro Resort, strada provinciale Leverano – Porto Cesareo, Leverano, tel. 0832. 91 19 82; 393. 92 03 624; ; '); document.write(addy63453); document.write('<\/a>'); //-->\n This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. " > This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Where to ear
    Ristorante arrosteria da Enzo, piazza Sandro Pertini, 8, Presicce, tel. 348 57 38 690
    Ristorante Anima e Cuore, corso Garibaldi, Galatina, tel 0836. 56. 43. 01; 329. 227. 32. 00 (Alessandro); This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ;
    Casale Sombrino, strada provinciale 362 Supersano-Cutrofiano, 32, Supersano, Tel. 0833 63 12 73; cell. 347. 27 02 176 (Carmenita); ; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Le Stanzie, strada provinciale 362 Supersano-Cutrofiano, Supersano, Tel. 0833. 63 24 38; 340. 10 88 978 (Donato); 
    Trattoria: Mangia a nterra e stusciate subbra, via Lecce ang. Via Madaro sn – Novoli, tel. 328. 12 66 043; Gruppo Facebook Mangia a nterra e stusciate subbra; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Osteria Pizzeria La Vecchia Fontana, via Vittorio Emanuele 32, Supersano, tel. 331. 57 83 106; 340. 38 86 744; ;  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Where you can buy tipical products
    Pasticceria Eros, piazza Santi Pietro e Paolo, Galatina;
    Ceramica Branca, via Tempio 32, 0833. 54 51 20
    Maestro cartapestaio, Claudio Riso , via Vittorio Emanuele, 27, tel. 0832. 24 34 10
    Azienda vitivinicola Castel Di Salve, piazza Castello 8, Depressa di Tricase, tel. 0833. 77 10 41;;
    Merica Vini, via Vittorio Alfieri, 254, Supersano, tel. 0833. 63 30 79; ;  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Comind società agricola srl , SP 109, km 8+900, provinciale San Pancrazio – Torre Lapillo, 72 050 Villaggio Boncore, Nardò (Le);Tel. 346. 15 69 121; 346. 15 69 125; ; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Civilla, strumenti musicali, via Giannuzzi 24, Maglie, tel. 339. 61 42 424  '); document.write(addy98591); document.write('<\/a>'); //-->\n This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. "> This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Istituto d’istruzione secondaria superiore, Enrico Giannelli, Liceo musicale con indirizzo musicale e coreutica, via Fiume 7, Parabita (Lecce) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Associazione coro polifonico Ars Nova di Melendugno, direttore Dolores Mancarella; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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       Supersano, Cripta Madonna di Coeli Manna

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       Supersano, you can go in the wonderful country

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       Supersano, the volunteers of the Friends horses’ Association will make you walk by barrows.

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       Supersano, your children ‘ll enjoy

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       Supersano, maestro casaro makes the mozzarelle

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       Mr Roberto De Vito e Mr Salvatore Rizzo, major and pubblic manager of Supersano

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       Depressa, Cantina Castel di Salve

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       Galatina, the famous pasticciotti of Pasticceria Eros, in the central Saint’s Pietro and Paolo’ square

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       Patù, Cento Pietre

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       Patù, the journalists and the tour operators who became in Salento for the XVI Educational for journalist and tour operators organized by the Tourism and Culture’ Magazine, Spiagge

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       Tricase, Santa Maria del Gonfalone crypt

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       Tricase, press conference in the Gal

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       Tricase, mr Agostino Branca makes the pots

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       Tricase,Mr Agostino Branca' shop

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       Tricase,the famous "rain birds", made by Agostino Branca

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       Supersano, the Fly School

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       Supersano, the new heliport